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Bagirova, Aygun X., Department of Forestry, 450 Atatürk Street, Azerbaijan State Agricultural University, Ganja, AZ 2000, Republic of Azerbaijan. (Azerbaijan)
Balazs, Andras, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) (Finland)
Baldwin, Robert F, Clemson University, USA (United States)
Bare, Bruce, University of Washington (United States)
Bektas, Volkan, University of Georgia
Bencsik, Gergely, IIE, University of West Hungary, Sopron, Hungary (Hungary)
Bergseng, Even, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway)
Berrill, John-Pascal, University of Maine (United States)
Bettinger, Pete, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources - University of Georgia (United States)
Bettinger, Pete, University of Georgia Forestry Building 4, Room 527 Phone: 706-542-1187 (United States)
Bettinger, Pete, The University of Georgia, USA
Bettinger, Pete, University of Georgia (United States)
Bettinger, Pete, The University of Georgia, USA (United States)
Bianchi, Massimo, CRA-Agricultural Research Council, Italy
Bich, Nguyen Van, Silviculture Research Institute, Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences, Hanoi, Vietnam (Viet Nam)
Binienda, Wieslaw K, University of Akron, USA (United States)
Borges, Paulo, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway)
Boston, Kevin, The Oregon State University, USA (United States)
Boston, Kevin, Humboldt State University
Bowker, J. M., USDA Forest Service (United States)
Brandeis, Thomas, USDA Forest Service, USA (United States)
Bullock, Bronson P., Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, United States (United States)
Bykhovets, Sergey
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