The importance of mapping technology knowledge and skills for students seeking entry-level forestry positions: Evidence from job advertisements

Pete Bettinger, Krista Merry, Chris J Cieszewski


We investigated in this study the importance of mapping technology (GIS, GPS, aerial photo interpretation) qualifications for entry-level forestry employment opportunities, based on relevant job advertisements made available through Internet services. The basis for the study is an expectation that the relevant details regarding the educational background and desired work experience of a position would be evident in the job advertisement. We collected data from eighty-four employment and recruitment related websites, which were monitored between May 2015 and November 2015. Using content analysis, we analyzed the inclusion of mapping technology requirements in job advertisements as basic criteria for screening candidates for forestry employment. The main focus of the data collection process was on forestry positions available in the United States that seemed to require a four-year degree in forestry and one year or less of work experience. The data came from 234 job advertisements; 165 (72%) of the job advertisements that had a requirement of basic knowledge, experience, or proficiency with regard to mapping technology or the ability to read and follow maps. Differences in the frequency with which mapping technologies were required varied among regions, types of employer, and types of jobs offered.


Content analysis; GIS; GPS

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