Spatiotemporal Data Modelling for Chinese Forest Geo-Entity Sub-compartment

Kai Xia


Sub-compartment, the most significant type of forest geo-entity, is the basic unit of forest management in China. Apart from having a certain shape, the sub-compartment has social attributes, such as ownership, as well as natural attributes, such as tree species, stand volume, and average diameter at breast height (DBH). The evolution of the sub-compartment is a spatiotemporal process that involves gradual and abrupt changes. A forest resource spatiotemporal data model is designed based on a spatiotemporal expression method named sequence states which could express the spatiotemporal evolution process that involves gradual and abrupt changes. The example shows that when the data from the entire region or from a few sub-compartments are updated, all of them can be stored and related well in the database constructed based on our model. Not only the history of a sub-compartment but also its ancestor sub-compartments can be retrieved and displayed on the client window. The controls, space-time cube and history tree, are designed to visualize the evolution of sub-compartments.


spatiotemporal data model; sequence states with no fixed frequency; forest resource; forest management, history tree, space-time cube

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