Report of the Timber Inventory Task Force on the Curren Timber Inventory with Recommendations for the Future
PREAMBLEThis report is submitted to the Resources Inventory Committee (RIC) by the Timber InventoryTask Force.The Resources Inventory Committee consists of representatives from various ministries andagencies of the Canadian and the British Columbia governments. First Nations peoples arerepresented in the Committee. RIC objectives are to develop a common set of standards andprocedures for the provincial resources inventories, as recommended by the Forest ResourcesCommission in its report The Future of.Our Forests.To achieve its objectives, the Resources Inventory Committee has set up several task forces,including the Timber Inventory Task Force. The terms of reference for the Task Force were toreview the current Ministry of Forests Inventory Program and to design and plan thedevelopment of a new provincial timber inventory process. The Timber Inventory Task Forcehas completed the critical review of the current timber inventory. This is the full report of thatwork.