The Foundation of Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural-Resource Sciences (MCFNS)

Chris J Cieszewski, Mike R Strub


The International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural-Resource Sciences publishes biannual quantitative and analytical works in mathematical and computational forestry and natural resource sciences. The two areas of this scope cover the extreme ends of the currently (several decades old) predominant model of forestry and natural resource research. The center of this model consists of empirical data collection and associated statistical analysis. On one extreme of this model lies analytical derivation, such as equation derivation, mathematical proofs, and hypothetical theories. On the other extreme of the spectrum lie the modern computational sciences based on massive amounts of computations allowing solutions to formerly inconceivable problems. The journal also covers other works geared towards implementation of new computer related technologies or computational solutions.

This journal applies a 3-stage peer review process that includes the traditional editorial consideration and double blind peer review by appointed referees, as well as a modern concept of Open Public Peer-Review system posting journal preprints online for worldwide scrutiny prior to their final publication. This journal promotes the modern features of e-publishing including but not limited to: Open Access, LaTeX support, advanced color graphs and animation publishing, e-attachments, active hyperlinks, custom intercept-links (URLs), flexibility in citation style, accompanying publication of original source manuscripts, manuscript public comments and discussion, and publication of outstanding Reviews as well as dispute and error corrections.  MCFNS 1(1):41-46.


MCFNS, Publishing, peer review, refereeing, open access, refereed journal, forestry research, forestry, mathematical forestry, computational forestry, TeX, LaTeX

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© 2008 Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural-Resource Sciences